Nikki G. Davidson
Google Calendar Sync

Google Calendar Sync

Using formulas we create an Agenda view that breaks down our client’s schedule for the day. It even shows what they are supposed to be doing at that moment.
Using formulas we create an Agenda view that breaks down our client’s schedule for the day. It even shows what they are supposed to be doing at that moment.

The problem

Our client needs to manage multiple schedules, including their personal calendar and work schedule. They use Google Calendar to manage their personal calendar and Notion as their productivity tool.
The client needs a way to keep track of all their appointments and events in one place. They would like to sync their Google Calendar with Notion to avoid double booking and missing important events.

The Solution

Using Make, we connected Google Calendar to Notion. Once the integration is set up, all events and appointments from their Google Calendar are added the their Notion Calendar. Their Notion Calendar now contains links to Zoom Meetings or Google Meet, or any pertinent information.
Within the Notion Calendar event is a link to the original Google Calendar event. Any changes can be made by clicking this link and making the changes within Google. Updates to the Google Calendar event are also synced to Notion.
We then created several calendar views, including an Agenda view. With this view, the client can now see a full breakdown of their day.


  1. Avoid double booking and missing important events by having all appointments and events in one place.
  1. Increase productivity by having a comprehensive view of their schedule and tasks in one place.
  1. Improve collaboration by sharing their calendar with colleagues who use Notion for project management.